Introducing Public Pandemic Tools for Regional Public Health

We offer limited but important features to help regional public health support the effort of testing providers and patients to end the pandemic.

Regional public health, whether administrative or political, can use their account to do the following:

  • Ensure guidance and resource links accompany all test results
  • Choose a group payment plan for testing providers to make online pandemic suppression activities free in the region.
  • Leverage existing IT infrastructure to improve the effectiveness of contact tracing using your identity database(s).
  • Monitor reports on the effectiveness of contact tracing and patient surveys to improve decision making
  • Give virus location and proximity alert web services 100% data coverage through centralized test result delivery

Basic services needed to end the pandemic are no cost but other services require a weekly subscription. For a complete list of anti-pandemic features sign up for a PHA account and explore the interface.

All services in PPT are privacy compliant and consent based.

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