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If you would like to have Public Pandemic Tools ready for your public health region, send us an email.


Donate to Public Pandemic Tools to help bring next generation data tools to doctors, patients, and public health professionals during pandemic.

Pandemic Tools for the Public


Verify the status of your infectiousness or vaccinations for personal or business use.


Online contact tracing warns your close contacts anonymously. Sit back and let PPT do the work while staying up to date on the status of your warnings.


Track your location and receive proximity warnings if you have been near the virus. All you need is your cell phone (requires Firefox). Search in WhereIsIt? to see data coverage for your area.

WhereIsIt? Risk Locater

See the intensity of the virus while you are on the go. Also see data coverage information for your places.

Check the risk intensity at the places you might go. Also see data coverage information for your places.

Open Data Maps

See maps of test results, online contact tracing data, and tracking data.

Open Data Reports...

See reports on test results, online contact tracing, and patient surveys in your region. Also see graphs segmented by seven day periods and data coverage information for your area.

Public Health Restrictions

See Public Health Restrictions for your area. Public Health or testing providers may publish for your convenience.

Public Health Guidance

See Public Health Guidance for your area. Public Health or testing providers may publish for your convenience.

More to come...

Free Sign Up...

PPT works just like a standard web services user account. Basic services for testing providers and patients is free. Test result data is transmitted de-identified, and all personal information is private unless you choose otherwise.

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For Testing Providers...

Add free anonymous online contact tracing to the RX with guidance and resource links and no cost optional status verification. See how to get started making PPT working for your patients and the community. Learn more...

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For State Public Health...

PPT can help regional public health support the efforts by testing providers and the public to end the pandemic. Regional pandemic suppression web services can be made available to all people in your region when you update to 100% data reporting to create new layers of protection independent of current efforts. Current systems remain sandboxed while regional suppression service are hard at work and the public enjoys new information about the threat and how to avoid it. Learn more...

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